What I’m Reading October 2013

Hello! I’ve popped back in today to do my regular reading feature, because I can’t help myself. Will be back in proper capacity soon x I knew the title A Young Doctor’s Notebook was familiar, and not just because it was written by Bulgakov, whose The Master and Margarita I really enjoyed, but also because…

What I’m Reading December 2011 (vlog)

YouTube has introduced some new tricks to its editing area – or so I suppose, unless they’ve been there a while and I’ve just not explored the features properly. Anyway! Effects! I put an ‘Old-Fashioned’ filter/wash on this vlog to see how it looks, but I don’t think it’s showing up (or it wasn’t at…

What I’m Reading Late July 2010

Finishing: The Tenth Man, Graham Greene. Borrowed from the library this week: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke The Last Love Story, Rodney Hall Tender Morsels, Margo Lanagan Batman: The Ultimate Guide to The Dark Knight*, Scott Beatty   *For the kids, but Adam and I have been dipping into it. Fascinating stuff. Riley…